Buddha Vesta

Vesta Auto van Buddha Seeds is een hybride van Indica en Sativa’s en is een zeer robuuste en grote plant (tussen 0,5 en 1,5 m). Het heeft een dominante en compacte centrale top, bedekt met hars, roodachtige tinten en met een hoge bloeisnelheid. Dit wietje heeft zeer krachtige, actieve, ontspannende en aangename effecten. Het kan ook voor medicinale doeleinden worden gebruikt.




Environment:     Indoor/Outdoor

Gender:                Feminized

Genetics:             Hybrid with Indica predominance

Cultivation time: (growth + flowering)   75 días

Production m²:   450 gr

Outside production per plant:    100 gr

Taste:     Fruity citrus fruit between grapefruit and mandarin

Effect:    Powerful, relaxing, pleasurable and medicinal


More info:

Vesta is a hybrid autoflowering developed by Buddha Seeds between two known American and European lines. He noted for its vigor, reaching a medium-large size, where the central bud dominates, heavy and covered with aromatic resin. The structure of this plant is opened in multiple productive branches, which have just covering hard, compact and resinous buds.

Vesta is an easy to grow, hardy, suitable for both the most experienced growers looking plants superior quality, as for inexperienced cannabicultores who need hardy plants and to withstand stress.

It is a real treat for the palate combining the best of the two lines of the two continents. European line gives the first fruity citrus flavor between grapefruit and tangerine. On the other hand, the American line gives a sour taste that lingers long in the throat, even when they’re done. Its powerful buzz, relaxing and enjoyable is suitable for medicinal

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