Hawaiian baby Woodrose

(Argyreia nervosa)
The seeds of the Hawaiian baby Woodrose vine contain a high percentage of LSA, a compound with a long shamanic history that generates a powerful psychedelic experience. Take 4 to 5 seeds for a visionary experience that lasts about 8 hours.

Contains: 10 seeds



The Hawaiian baby woodrose (Argyreia nervosa) is a member of the convolvulaceae family which also includes the morning glory. The seeds contain a naturally occurring tryptamine called LSA (Lysergic Acid Amide), which is closely related to LSD. The seeds are consumed orally, either direct or after extraction of the active alkaloids.
The effects are somewhat similar to those of LSD, but less intense and less visual. A Hawaiian baby woodrose trip lasts 6-8 hours; tranquil feelings may last an additional 12 hours. Sleep is deep and refreshing after the trip, however some users may experience a hangover characterized by blurred vision, vertigo, and physical inertia.
Nausea and other stomach complaints are quite common side effects of consuming Hawaiian baby woodrose, which are not caused by the LSA but other compounds in the seeds. This is why some users choose to extract the LSA from the seeds.
Because use is oral, onset is affected by the last food that was ingested (try not to eat 4-6 hours before you eat the seeds). The average dosage is 4 to 8 seeds. Some users advise to take no more than 2 or 3 the first time. The seeds must chewed for as long as possible as the active substances are absorbed by the body’s saliva.
Do not operate heavy machinery. Do Not Drive.
Do not use Hawaiian Woodrose seeds when pregnant. LSA is closely related to LSD which is a uterine contractor that can increase risk of miscarriage during pregnancy
Individuals currently in the midst of emotional or psychological upheaval in their everyday lives should be careful about choosing to use psychedelics such as Hawaiian Woodrose seeds, as they can bring out dormant emotions.
Individuals with a family history of schizophrenia or early onset mental illness should be extremely careful as psychedelics have been known to trigger latent psychological and mental problems.
Although Hawaiian woodrose belong to the same family as the morning glory, Hawaiian woodrose seeds are much stronger.
Do not combine LSA with alcohol, MAO inhibitors or other drugs.

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