Green Papua Kratom

The Green Papua kratom is a rare strain and naturally has a perfect balance between a stimulating and relaxing effect!

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The Southeast Asian archipelago of Indonesia is the motherland of almost all kratom strains. The Green Papua is no exception and is one of the most potent green strains. The effect of the Green Papua is a perfect mix between the white and red species. Due to its high alkaloid content, it acts as an effective painkiller where at the same time the stimulating and focus enhancing effects can be felt. What sets Green Papua apart from the other green strains is that it feels euphoric in both lower and higher doses!

– Light stimulation
– Analgesic
– Very euphoric
– Relaxing
– Focus enhancer

Due to the high presence of the alkaloid 7-hydroxymitragynine, beginners are advised not to take more than 2 grams of Green Papua. This dosage produces a mildly stimulating and euphoric effect. Regular users of this green strain generally take a higher dosage. From 4-5 grams onwards the user will experience a more relaxing, analgesic and highly euphoric effect.

Kratom can have a strong narcotic effect and can affect the ability to react, so definitely do not drive motorized vehicles under the influence of Kratom and do not participate in traffic. Kratom is a harmless plant when used properly, but with regular use, tolerance and dependence can develop. If you find that you need Kratom more and more often, and have to take more and more to achieve the same effect, it is better to take a break in your use.

Kratom suppresses digestion, causing many to experience dry mouth, decreased appetite and constipation. With long-term use, weight loss and insomnia may occur.

While there is virtually no information on the effects of Kratom on child development, we strongly advise against use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Also, do not combine Kratom with MAO inhibitors

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