CBD Oil Raw 10% 10ml

This oil contains no less than 10% CBD, also known as cannabidiol. The oil is 100% natural and contains no additives. This variant is slightly stronger than the 2.5% and 5% and because of the high concentration, this oil is mainly used for physical discomforts. Due to the minimal presence of THC, the user will not experience a high feeling. From this bottle, approximately 200-225 drops can be obtained.



What exactly is cannabidiol (CBD)?
The popularity of CBD oil has grown significantly in recent years. But what exactly is it? And perhaps more importantly, what exactly do you use it for? CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive substance extracted from industrial hemp. This organic fiber hemp is completely legal and is produced without the addition of pesticides or herbicides. CBD is sold as a dietary supplement and is mainly found in oil and capsules.

Manufacturing process
It all starts with a simple seed. That seed shoots roots and after months of growth, there is finally a fully grown hemp plant. When the plant is ready for harvest, it means it contains enough active ingredients like CBD. Now it’s time to extract CBD from the hemp plant. This is done through a special extraction method.

There are several extraction methods for extracting CBD from the plant. The three most well-known methods are:
– CO2 extraction
– Alcohol extraction
– Oil extraction

The production method mainly depends on the end product. For example, for the CBD pure the oil extraction is used and for the CBD Raw the CO2 extraction is used.

After this extraction process, what remains is 100% pure CBD. When this is dried it has a white/clear crystal color and can easily be mistaken for table salt. If you ingest this as a user not too much will happen. The substance will have to be mixed with an oil in order for the human body to absorb it. The CBD molecule dissolves in fat, for example in olive or coconut oil.
Besides the above mentioned oils, the majority of CBD oils contain hemp seed oil. This oil is known for its high concentration of minerals and vitamins. It also contains the healthy fatty acid Omega 3 and Omega 6. Hempseed oil and CBD enhance the good properties of each other.

Instructions for use
The use of CBD oil will vary per strength/product and per person. We at Euphoria recommend as a beginning CBD oil user to start at the lowest percentage (2.5%). The frequency of the number of drops also depends on the needs of the user. Generally, 2-3 drops at a time are taken 1-2 times a day. If the user does not notice a difference after a few days/weeks, the dosage and/or frequency can be adjusted. Build this up carefully.

Before use, shake the bottle vigorously. With the pipette the drops can be administered accurately. The drops should be put under the tongue. Then wait 1 minute before the CBD can be swallowed. This is the most efficient way to absorb the CBD into your system. Do you experience a bitter aftertaste? Then wash this away with a few sips of water.

As mentioned, CBD is a substance found in the hemp plant and for that reason it falls under the opium law. However, the rule within the Dutch legislation is that CBD products with a THC content lower than 0.2% are legal. Also, in the Netherlands a distinction is made in the processing and cultivation of the hemp plant. In principle, anyone can grow hemp for fiber, provided it is intended for fiber and not for consumption purposes.

Other information
Because the CBD oil is made naturally and without the use of chemicals there may be small differences in taste, color or smell. If the user wants to use CBD as a self-medication we strongly advise to always discuss this with your doctor first.

If you have any questions about CBD oil that we have in our range and about the personal use of it, you can always reach us by phone or feel free to come by our store in the center of The Hague!

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